Hello lovely internet friends (and real life friends who are reading online)
What have we been up to? Allsorts (ish)!
First, let me tell you a little bit about Saturday night, which was ACE. It was
Supernight vs Im Not From London at the Maze and it was a cracker.
Ox & Lamb played a great set, despite only having had 6 hours to put something together. All the songs sounded fantastic and it was nice to hear a different tone/feel to their Fists work. Plus we got to hear
Yr Glove (which I love) live and some new materials too.
Following that we were treated to a noisy set from
20 Year Hurricane who brought energy and comments about being "very porous" to the stage, as well as a child's mexican wrestling mask. Nick (the singer/ex-colleague of mine/friend) later mentioned that Daddy Bones's verdict on the too small wrestling mask was..."burn victim". Harsh, but when I manage to get the pictures up here, you'll see it's also true! They were great, second outing for them and I hope to see them again soon.... Bassist Chris striking a pose, Drummer (and Birthday Boy) Gareth being amazingly into performing and brilliant to watch and Nick playing guitar, singing, being self-deprecating and moving around the stage like a wind-up toy. Brilliant!
If I'm honest I didn't really watch the other two bands. I saw a bit of two guys playing covers which wasn't really my sort of thing and then I got so hot I had to go outside. I heard a bit of
Nephu Huzzband from out there and they sounded pretty good. Definitely not what I expected... I've seen the name around before and thought they were some sort of ska/punk/reggae/funk-rock band. Delighted to say they're not! Mainly I just chatted outside to loads of random people and caught up with Ang and James a bit, which I always love.
I'm rambling but I should quickly mention two more things. Firstly,
the wrestling, scary, shocking, very well prepared (they had suits and masks and everything!). Secondly,
Dan Toporowski made some visuals for the gig which we tried every which way to get projected but technology failed us. Not only am I gutted for Dan that his hard work wasn't seen, but I'm gutted for me that I didn't get to see them and I know they would be amazing.
THANKS Dan, hopefully we can persuade you to put them on YouTube? Or will they be a lost classic?
Anyway, what I'm basically rambling about here is that it was a great night, and thanks to everyone who came, hope you enjoyed it?!
Other stuff we've done:-
Exams - for me, in the middle of them and should be revising now. BOO.
Saw Iron Man - What a preposterous film! I did enjoy this, but seriously, I can't believe it exists in parts. he has his own private jet and the air stewardesses pole dance for him. Who wrote this? A 13 year old boy? It was ludicrous, but fun.
Watched the Apprentice - Love it as always and very much looking forward to the Interview show tomorrow (when I should be revising again). Who's going to win? Boggle eyed Helene? Gobby Claire? Beret-maniac Lucinda? 3rd Person talker Lee McQueen? Or pouty sulky Alex Wotherspoon (Wotherspoon is a great name!)?
Saw Indiana Jones - Another preposterous film. Worth seeing, but god it gets silly, be prepared. I won't say more, because I'm not a spoiler, but be aware that there are great bits and there are shit bits. And boy does he look old at times.
Baked brownies - and did a blind taste test on Anders... mine won, I'll be honourable and not say who I beat!
That's another exciting installment of "
things I've been doing"!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a.k.a. ramble ramble blah blah blah
Have lovely weeks everybody, and see you soon!