Just wanted to take a moment to reflect on last week's Jumpers for Goalposts, at which Joey Chickenskin proved how easy it is to write a play with his masterpiece: "A Tale of Two T-Shirts".
The premise was that Hello Thor are fattist for only making t-shirts in sizes S, M & L. Joey had leveraged the promise of a t-shirt out of Nick from Hello Thor with the guilt of their obesophobia, but, unbeknownst to HT, had also constructed a "XXL-O THOR" t-shirt himself to get his revenge. He capitalised on his hard work by dramatising the whole saga and getting Anders, Nick & Tom to play themselves and me to narrate. It was lots of fun to do, not sure it was AS much fun for the audience, apart from the bits where Joey threw those banger things onto the floor to simulate gunfire, and where he sang songs and made people join in with "He's got the whole world in his hands".
Anyway, here's some pics from the "play" and the competition to create something to replace the Colonel, who is being removed from KFC packaging:
The start of the "play"
Nick & Tom see their scripts for the first time
Daydream sequence
Contrite (with signs Joey made for them which say SOZ)
Presenting Joey with his official Hello Thor Tee
Tom following stage directions from Joey to puff out his cheeks and mime fatness behind him
This took Silver
Gold medal winner... as usual the winning competition entry was disgusting!
2nd Place went to Gareth's team, well done guys!
3rd Place, not to be sniffed at!
I don't know why Joey is just doing his normal face... why doesn't he pull a funny face instead? Here he is presenting the winners with their prize... booze!
Love Bex
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